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von Recklinghausen病では,全身のさまざまな骨に種々の変化が高頻度に出現するが,脊椎骨にもsco-liosis,scallopingや椎間孔の拡大などの変化がみられる3,5,9).今回,四肢のしびれ,両下肢の腱反射の亢進を認めた患者を検討したところ,von Recklinghausen病に伴った頸椎のdural ectasiaと判明した1例を経験したので,ここにその神経放射線学的所見を中心に報告する.
A case of cervical dural ectasia in von Reckling-hausen's disease is reported. A 36-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with complaints of hypesthesia in the extremities and gait disturbance. Plain cervical x-ray films showed dilated inster-pediculate distance and increased A-P diameter of the cervical spinal canal. Myelography showed abnor-mally dilated subarachnoid space at C4-C7 level. Metrizamide CT scan also revealed abnormally dilated subarachnoid space, which was at the ventral site of the spinal cord. No tumors, arachnoid cysts, syringomyelia were noticed.

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