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Ⅰ はじめに
良性対称性脂肪腫症(benign symmetric lipomatosis:BSL)はMadelung病とも呼ばれ,主として頸部および背部に対称的に,脂肪組織がびまん性に過剰沈着する疾患である1)。体幹および四肢に増殖した脂肪腫症が独特の外観を示すのが特徴であるが2),本邦における報告例は稀である。今回われわれは,頸部腫脹を呈しBSLと診断した2症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
Benign symmetric lipomatosisis(BSL)is a rare disease characterized by massively symmetric fat deposits predominantly in the neck and shoulder girdle area.
A 61-year-old man referred to our hospital complaining of masses in the neck, shoulders, and arms. He underwent surgical treatment based on functional reasons of feeling pressure in his neck. Histopathologically, he was diagnosed as Madelung disease.
The other 59-year-old man presented with a complaint of neck swelling. He was diagnosed as BSL by radiological examination and fine-needle aspiration biopsy. He had no symptom of functional disorder such as dyspnea,or disphagia. The patient was informed the diagnosis in details,and a simple observation was given.
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