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今回,モルヒネおよび鎮痛補助薬で疼痛緩和は困難であり,日常生活動作(activity of daily living:ADL)制限をきたした上顎癌の患者に神経ブロックを併用し,良好な結果が得られた症例を経験したので報告する。
Patients with head and neck cancer frequently suffered from regional pain. We report a case of successful pain management using the neurolytic Gasserian ganglion block(GGB) in a patient with advanced maxillary cancer whose pain was poorly responded to morphine with doses up to 420mg/day. The GGB effectively reduced his maxillary pain and maintained the optimal daily activity until the end of his life.
Although the GGB includes several adverse effects,the neurolysis of trigeminal nociceptive pathways could be a useful treatment option for pain management in patients with head and neck cancer.

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