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(展示216) 1995年までの4年間に名古屋市立城北病院新生児集中治療室で管理された,出生時体重1,500g未満の130例と,在胎週数32週未満の131例を対象とした。出生時体重1,000g未満と在胎週数28週未満症例では,光凝固施行率と未熟児網膜症活動期3期以上への進行率が,1992/1993年よりも1994/1995年で有意に低く,人工呼吸器を必要とした期間の短縮がみられた。この事実は,循環器病態を重視する近年の未熟児管理の向上が,呼吸機能を良好にし,未熟児網膜症の進行を抑制していると解釈される。
We reviewed infants seen in Nagoya Municipal Johoku Hospital during 4 years (1992-95) regarding retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). The series comprised 130 infants with the birthweight of less than 1,500g or those with gestational age of shorter than 32 weeks. Among infants with the birthweight of less than 1,000 g or gestational age of shorter than 28 weeks, infants born in 1994/95 showed lesser instance of photocoagulation and ROP of stage 3 or more than those born in 1992/93. Duration of artificial respiration was shorter in infants born in 1994/95 than in 1992/93. The findings reflect that the intensive care for the circulatory state of premature infants has improved their respiratory function, and also inhibited the progression of ROP during the latter period.

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