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要約 2001年までの5年間に当科で遭遇した未熟児網膜症を回顧し,1996年までの2年半の前回の状況と比較した。5年間に新生児集中治療室(NICU)に入室した患児1,082名の14.3%に未熟児網膜症が発症した。前回の発症率は16.2%であり,両者間に有意差はなかった。平均在胎期間は前回よりも短縮し,平均出生体重は減少していた。未熟児網膜症の病期は,2,3,4,5期がそれぞれ47.1%,47.1%,3.9%,1.9%であり,重症例の割合が前回よりも増加していた。出生体重と3期以上に進行した症例の頻度の間,および出生体重と治療を要した症例の割合との間には,それぞれ強い相関があった。
Abstract. Purpose:To review the cases of retinopathy of prematurity(ROP)seen during 5 yours through 2001 in our Department and to compare the findings with those in our previous survey during 30 months through 1996. Results:A total of 1,082 babies were treated in the Neonatal Intesive Care Unit(NICU). ROP was present in 14.3% of neonates. The incidence was 16.2% in the previous survey. There was no significant difference the incidence between the two studies. However,the averaged gestational age was shorter and the averaged birthweight was less than those in the previous survey. The incidence of stage 2,3,4 and 5 of ROP was 47.1%,47.1%,3.9% and 1.9%respectively. Conclusion:There was a higher incidence of severe ROP than in the previous survey. High correlation was present between birthweight and advanced ROP and between birthweight and cases needing treatment.
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