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(展示191) 過去3年間に当科を受診した眼外傷587例を分析した。全例が片眼性の外傷であった。性別比は男2.4対女1で,男女とも20歳台が最も多かった。月別では10月(10.9%)が,曜日別では日曜と祝日(35.6%)が最も多かった。受傷から受診までの期間は,当日受診(67.6%)が最も多かった。労働災害(21.0%)と眼球打撲(37.0%)が最も多かった。初診時の所見では,角膜びらん(185眼)と外傷性虹彩炎(102眼)が突出して多かった。眼外異物除去術が139眼、水晶体摘出術が29眼,硝子体切除術が20眼に対して行われた。
We reviewed a series of 587 cases of ocular injury during the foregoing 3-year period. All the cases were unilaterally affected. The ratio of males to females was 2.4 : 1. The third decade of life was the most frequent for both sexes. Eye injury was most frequent during October at 10.9% and on Sundays and holidays at 35.6%. Most patients, or 67.6%, sought medical treatment on the day of injury. Ocular injury occurred during occupational work in 21.0%. Contusion of the eye was the most frequent cause at 37.0%. Corneal injury (185 eyes) and traumatic iritis (102 eyes) were the most frequent findings at the initial examination. The treatments included removal of extraocular foreign body 139 eyes, lens extraction 29 eyes and vitreous surgery 20 eyes.

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