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(24C1-3) 精神発達遅滞児の両眼視力を森実ドットカード,およびTeller acuity cards (TAC)を用いて測定し,発達程度との関係を検討した。発達程度はKIDS乳幼児発達スケールの発達年齢を指標とした。森実カード測定群36例の平均年齢47.0か月,平均発達年齢32.9か月。視力値は実際の年齢と一定の関係はなく,発達年齢が増加すると高値をとる傾向がみられた。TAC測定群24例の平均年齢33.7か月,平均発達年齢18.2か月。TAC視力値は実際の年齢では正常域より低値であつたが,発達年齢でみるとほとんどが正常域に分布した。発達年齢を考慮すれば発達遅滞児における視力値は正確な視機能を表すと考えられた。
We measured the binocular visual acuity in 55 mentally retarded children. In 36 cases, visual acuity could be measured using Morizane dot cards. Their mean chronological age was 47.0 months and the mean developmental age was 32.9 months. The visual acuity showed no correlation with the chronological age and was positively correlated with the developmental age. In 24 cases, visual acuity could be measured using Teller acuity cards. Their mean chronological age was 33.7 months and the mean developmental age was 18.2 months. The visual acuity was poorer than normal children of comparable age but were in normal range when the developmental age was taken into consideration. The fidings show that visual acuity in mentally retarded children reflects the developmental age.

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