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We developed a new program which converts visual tield data tiles of Humphrey Field Analyzer saved in floppy disk into ASCII files. Applying this program to the data of central 30-2 program, we studied the pattern of visual tield detects in pri-mary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and low-ten-sion glaucoma (LTG) patients, from which newobjective clusters of test points were made. This study was composed of 82 visual field data of POAG patients and 24 visual field data of LTG patient in early to moderately advanced stages. We calculated coefficients of correlation between devi-ations from STATPAC normal values of each test-ed points and 10 selected points around the blind spot, with which we made clusters of points that were highly correlated.
The findings indicated that the visual field defects in primary open angle glaucoma and low -tension glaucoma extend along the distribution of retinal nerve fibers. More subtle progression in visual field defects in glaucoma is expected to be detected utilizing the clusters.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.