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3.黄斑部の異常の程度を判別する判別式を算出したところ,黄斑部視野の異常の程度と年齢,屈折,眼圧には関連は認められずMean Devia-tion (MD),Pattern Standard Deviation (PSD),黄斑外視野との間に強い関連が認められた.
したがって,静的視野測定の際には比較的初期の症例でもMD, PSD等を考慮に入れて黄斑部の閾値検査を行うことが望ましいと考えられた.
We evaluated the central visual field in 110 eyes in 76 glaucoma patients. The series included 88 eyes with primary open angle glaucoma and 22 with low -tension glaucoma. We used an automated perime-ter (Humphrey) with modified central 30-2 pro-gram.
A high correlation existed between the visualfield changes in the macular and extramacular region. Along with deterioration in the peripheral visual field, many cases showed abnormalities in the macular visual field even in early stage of the disease. Discriminant analysis showed that the macular visual field changes positively correlated with mean deviation, pattern standard deviation and extramacular visual field. It was not correlated with age, state of refraction, or intraocular pres-sure.
The findings indicate the clinical usefulness of detailed macular visual field test in glaucoma, particularly in its early stage.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(9) : 1051-1054, 1988

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