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要約 体表部の化膿巣が原因で内因性細菌性眼内炎を発生し,急激に進行して失明に至った2症例を経験した。感染源は1例では点滴静注の留置部が化膿したもの,他例では義歯による歯肉炎と思われた。2例ともに基礎疾患はなかった。基礎疾患のない健常人でも,体表部の化膿巣から細菌が眼内へ血行性に転移し,内因性細菌性眼内炎を起こすことがあるので注意が必要である。
We observed two cases, a 65-year-old male and a 27-year old female, who developed bacterial endophthalmitis. The affected eye in both cases showed rapid progression of endophthalmitis, resulting in blindness. It apparently metastatized from suppuration in the forearm due to longstanding needle in one case and from gingival suppuration secondary to prosthetic teeth in the other. No other contributary causes were present in both cases. These cases illustrate that body surface infections may induce bacterial endophthalmitis even in young helthy person.
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