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1996年夏季に横浜市立大学医学部附属病院眼科でアデノウイルス角結膜炎の院内感染を経験した。アデノチェック®は10日以内に実施し,78%が陽性であった。PCR-RFLP法により,アデノウイルスの血清型は8型と迅速に同定された。ステロイド大量投与者に高度な角膜上皮下混濁がみられた。69%の患者に中和抗体価4倍以上の上昇がみられたが,non responderも存在した。医療従事者のアデノウイルス8型に対する中和抗体保有率は6%と低値であったが,院内感染は病棟閉鎖をせずに1か月で鎮静化した。院内感染の制圧には,迅速な診断と,流行拡大を防ぐ診療側の早期対応,対策が重要である。
There was a mass outbreak of adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis in our department during summer, 1996. It involved 29 victims and occurred either during or after hospitalization, during visits as outpatient, or in attending physicians. All the cases underwent examination by AdenocheckTM within 10 days, resulting in positive rate of 78%. The serotype proved to be adenovirus type 8 by rapid PCR-RFLP method. Patients receiving topical or systemic corticosteroid tended to show severe subepithelial corneal opacities. The adenovirus neutralizing antibody in the serum was elevated to more than 4 times in 69% of patients. It was positive in 2 out of 32 (6%) physicians and nurses in the department. The epidemic ceased in one month without closing the ward. The findings illustrate the importance of rapid diagnosis, detection and immediate preventive efforts in such nosocomical infections.
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