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1979年から1984年までの6年間にわたって札幌市内の一眼科診療所で認められたアデノウイルス37型(Ad 37)による角結膜炎の患者44名について臨床像を総括した.対照として同じ流行性角結膜炎の所見を呈したAd 8:149名,Ad 19:29名につき,その比較検討を行った.
Ad 37は急性濾胞性結膜炎が両眼に出現し,その結膜炎の程度は他の流行性角結膜炎の病原Ad 8とAd 19と似ており,特に耳前リンパ腺腫脹,角膜炎,結膜炎の程度は同様であった、しかし結膜下出血,眼外症状はAd 19に多く,家族内感染はAd 19で少なかった.院内感染はAd 8が他よりも有意に多かった.Ad 37は60歳以上には患者を認めることができなかった.
A new adenovirus, type 37, has been shown to be etiologically involved in epidemic keratoconjuncti-vitis since its identification by neutralization test and endonuclease enzyme analysis. Working in an eye clinic in Sapporo in northern Japan, one of the authors (K.A.) identified epidemic keratocon-junctivitis due to Ad 37 in 44 cases through isolation of the virus from the affected conjunctiva.
The clinical manifestations of epidemic kerato-conjunctivitis due to Ad 37 were essentially similar to those due to Ad 8 or 19.
During the same period, 149 cases of Ad 8 and 29 cases of Ad 19 infections were found in the same eye clinic. Infections by Ad 19 resulted in more frequent subconjunctival hemorrhage and extraocu-lar signs and in less frequent familial cross infection than those by Ad 8 and 37. Ad 8 infection invo-lved more frequent nosocomial involvement. Ad 37infection did not occur in subjects aged over 60years.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.