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(P1-1-18) 初診糖尿病患者のうち,1983年10月から1985年4月の期間の107名(初期)と,1996年10月から1998年4月までの240名(後期)で眼底所見,患者背景について比較した。他の眼科医からの紹介は初期18.7%,後期36.3%と後期で多かった。糖尿病網膜症はそれぞれ52.3%,68.5%,眼科受診既往のないものは42.1%,41.7%で,そのうち増殖・前増殖網膜症は初期13.3%,後期17%と,後期で増加傾向があった。紹介患者数が増加し,地域における当院の役割は向上していると考えられるが,眼科受診既往のない症例の比較的重症網膜症有病率は15年前よりも増加しており,より一層の啓蒙が必要と思われた。
We reviewed the ophthalmological features and background of diabetic patients during the early period (1983-85) and the recent period (1996-98) after our department was opened in 1983. There were 107 patients during the early and 240 patients during the recent period. Referrals from other ophthalmologists numbered 18.7% and 36.3% in each period. Incidence of diabetic retinopathy was 52.3% and 68.5% respectively and was 42.1% and 41.7% respectively when the patients sought medical advice by us for the first time. The incidence of pre- or proliferative diabetic retinopathy was 13.3% and 17.0% respectively. The increase in referrals in the recent period seemed to reflect the increasing recognition of our department. The large number of patients who had diabetic retinopathy and who visited us for the first time show the importance of public education on the proper and early ophthalmological management in diabetic patients.

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