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オクトパス視野計のdynamic strategy (DS)とnorma strategy (NS)による視野結果を比較し,DSにおける短期変動(SF)と長期変動(LF)について検討した。対象は41例57眼(正常者16例16眼,高眼圧症患者3例6眼,緑内障患者22例35眼)で,オクトパス101のG2プログラムをDSとNSで行った。両戦略法ではmean defect,correcte loss varianceに有意差はなかったが,SFはDSで有意に大きくなった(p<0.0001)。DSではNSに比べmean defectの増加に伴いSFがより大きくなった。LFは両戦略法で有意差はなく,DSにおける初回と再検時のSFでは強い正の相関関係(y=0.97×+0.07,r=0.85)がみられた。DSでは視野沈下に応じたSFの基準値の設定が必要と思われた。
We evaluated the short- and long-term fluctuations in visual fields in 57 eyes as measured by dynamic and normal strategy using program G2 of the OCTOPUS 101 perimeter. The series comprised 16 normal eyes, 6 eyes with ocular hypertension, and 35 eyes with glaucoma. There were no significant differences between dynamic and normal strategy regarding the mean defect (MD) or corrected loss variance (CLV) . Short-term fluctuations for dynamic strategy were significantly larger than that for normal strategy (paired t- test, p < 0.0001) . The slope by dynamic strategy was larger than that by normal strategy regarding the regression line between the short-term fluctuations and mean defect. There was no significant difference in long-term fluctua-tions between dynamic and normal strategy. The short-term fluctuations in dynamic strategy showed a strong correlation between the first and second test (y = 0.97x + 0.07, r = 0.85) . The finding shows the need for a new criteria for short-term fluctuation regarding the mean defect.

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