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(1)治療開始時のtotal lossは,平均987±404dBであり,網膜剥離の程度と相関していた。
(2) Total lossは,徐々に減少し,約2ヵ月後には,平均157±144dBとなった。
(3)急性期のtotal lossの経過から,回復の遅いⅠ群と回復の速いⅡ群に分けられた。
(4)Ⅰ群中の2例は遷延例で,回復期にもtotal lossが高く,他の視機能にも異常が見られた。
(5)治療開始時にtotal lossが高いものは,夕焼状眼底になりやすかった。
We evaluated threshold perimetric findings in 19 eyes, 10 cases, of Harada's disease over periods ranging from 6 months to 3 years. The ages ranged from 15 to 56 years, average 42 years. All the cases were treated by mega-dose systemic corticosteroid. We used program 32 of automated perimeter, Octo-pus 201.
The total loss before treatment averaged 987±404dB. The amount of loss paralleled the area of posterior retinal detachment. The total loss de-creased after treatment to reach 157±144dB 2 months later. We identified two groups in the series according to the changes of total loss. In group 1, the total loss withstood prompt improvements. In group 2, the total loss decreased to reach normal value within one month of treatment. Group 1 in-cluded 2 cases with tracted course of the disease and with other visual impairments. We noted a tendency for eyes with high initial total loss to develop fundus depigmentation later.

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