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(18-P1-26) 黄斑部に1/2乳頭径以上の硬性白斑の沈着がある重症糖尿病黄斑浮腫に対し,硝子体手術にて後部硝子体剥離を作成し,術後視力と眼底所見について検討した。黄斑部硬性白斑の直接除去は行っていない。対象は,1995年4月〜1997年3月に手術を行い,術後6か月以上経過観察可能であった7例8眼である。
We treated 8 eyes with severe diabetic maculopathy by vitreous surgery. All the eyes showed hard exudate in the macula of 0.5 disc diameters or larger in size. All the eyes underwent artificial detachment of posterior vitreous membrane. No attempt was made to remove the macular exudate. After 6 months or longer after surgery, the visual acuity had improved by two lines or more in 6 eyes (75%) . The macular exudate had started to regress in all the 5 eyes which were followed for 12 months or longer. The final visual acuity tended to be less favorable in eyes with preoperative visual acuity of less than 0.1 than in those with 0.1 or better.

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