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(26C-1) 68歳女性が左眼虹彩炎で当科に紹介された。矯正視力は右1.0,左0.7であった。両眼に虹彩分離症の所見があった。眼圧は正常であった。1年後に左眼の分離した虹彩前葉が角膜内皮に接触し,角膜の混濁浮腫が生じ,視力は0.06に低下した。下方に虹彩切除を行い,角膜の混濁浮腫は軽減した。視力は0.4に改善した。虹彩の全層切除標本では,瞳孔散大筋の平滑筋細胞と虹彩実質の間に間隙があった。電子顕微鏡では虹彩実質のメラノサイトの突起の減少と細胞間隙の拡大があり,虹彩分離症の初期変化と解釈された。
A 68-year-old female was referred to us for iritis in her left eye. The visual acuity was 1.0 right and 0.7 left. Both eyes showed signs of iridoschisis. Intraocular pressure was within normal range. One year later, the anterior iris layer was in contact with the corneal endothelium in the left eye. Marked corneal edema was present in this area. The visual acuity was 0.06. The corneal edema decreased after inferior sector iridectomy with improvement in visual acuity to 0.4. Histologically, the split iris showed a cleavage between the anterior stroma and the posterior muscular portion. Electron microscopic studies showed decrease in the number of protrusions of melanocytes in the iris stroma and widening of intercellular spaces. These findings appeared to be early changes of iridoschisis.

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