

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Review of surgery for paralytic strabismus Yoshiko Aoki 1 , Yasuhiro Nishida 1 , Toyotaka Murata 2 , Osamu Hayashi 3 , Akihiro Inatomi 1 1Dept of Ophthalmol, Shiga Univ of Med Sch 2Soseikai Hosp 3Kouga Hosp pp.1117-1123
Published Date 1996/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410904940
  • Abstract
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We reviewed the surgical outcome in 34 eyes of 37 cases of acquired paralytic strabismus during the foregoing 15 years. The success of surgery was evaluated after the standards by Maruo, 1994. There were 12 cases of oculomotor palsy and 22 of abducens palsy. Recession/resection was performed in cases in which the eyes could move over the midline. This procedure was performed in 8 cases of oculomotor palsy and in 9 of abducens palsy. Muscle transposition was performed in other cases, including 4 of oculomotor palsy and 13 of abducens palsy. Surgical outcome was satisfactory in 57 of oculomotor palsy and 77% of abducens palsy. If the eyes had little difficulty in moving over the midline, the results were satisfactory in 87% of oculomotor palsy and 86% of abducens palsy. If the eyes could not move over the midline, the results were satisfactory in none of oculomotor palsy and in 85% of abducens palsy.

Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


