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A group of 187 patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was monitored for five years. All the patients were checked for hemoglobin A1c level and diabetic retinopathy at least twice a year. Clinically detectable diabetic retinopathy was absent initially and was present in 83 patients after five years. The fluctuation pattern of HbA1c was classified into 5 types: continuously high, gradually increasing, unstable, decreasing and lower and stable. The incidence of manifestation of retinopathy was significantly higher in continuously high, increasing and unstable types than in lower and stable type. This tendency was more pronounced in patients with duration of diabetes longer than 10 years. The incidence was high in lower and stable type also when the patients were treated by insulin. The findings show that the incidence of manifestation of retinopathy after 5 years is dependent on HbA1c levels. Attempts to keep HbA1c at a low and stabilized level seem to be essential in preventing diabetic retinopathy, particularly in patients with longterm diabetes and without insulin therapy.
Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.