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涙液の異常と眼球表面の障害を有するdefinrte dry eye患者359名と,涙液の異常あるいは眼球表面の障害のいずれかを有するprobable dry eye患者394名との臨床的特徴を比較した。「目の乾燥感」を訴えたprobable dry eye患者の割合(15%)は,definite dry eye患者のそれ(27%)と比べ,有意に低率であった(p<0.01)。Definite dry eye患者では,各症状の出現頻度に月による差が認められたが,probable dry eye患者では,いずれの症状においても,その出現頻度に月による差を認めなかった。Probabie dry eyeには,男女差がなく,季節の影響を受けないことから,probable dry eyeは涙液の減少による眼球乾燥症のみの単一の疾患ではないと考えられる。
We compared the clinical features in 359 definite and 394 probable dry eye patients in 9 institutions. Probable dry eye was defined as those with either dysfunction of tear film or disorders of ocular surface. Definite dry eye was defined as those with both. The incidence of complaint of dry eye sensation was 15% in probable cases and 27% in definite cases. The difference was significant (p<0.01) . There were monthly fluctuations in incidence of subjective symptoms in definite cases and none in probable cases. The findings suggest that probable dry eye patients may consist of those with decreased tear secretion and those with some other types of dry eye.

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