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左下眼瞼と右下腹部に腫瘍がみられ,病理組織学的には,悪性リンパ腫(diffuse mixed celllymphoma, T cell type)であり,化学療法で,腫瘍は消失した。
We observed Chediak-Higashi syndrome as-sociated with malignant lymphoma in a 10-year-old female. She showed silver gray hair and hypo-or hyperpigmented skin and iris. The fundus appeared albinotic. The peripheral blood showed abnormal giant cytoplasmic granules in neutro-phils. We found tumors in left lower eyelid and right lower quadrant abdomen. Pathological study of tumors showed diffuse mixed cell lymphoma (T cell type). After chemotherapy, tumors disappear-ed. Chediak-Higashi syndrome, that is an im-munodeficient disease, associated with malignant lymphoma frequently. So when we see the tumor-ous lesion in patient with Chediak-Higashi syn-drome, much attention must be paid.

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