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生後4か月より観察した Chediak—Higashi症候群の1例を報告した。銀灰色の毛髪,皮膚および眼球の部分的白子症,反復する発熱と上気道感染,肝脾腫,末梢血の好中球とリンパ球の細胞質内における特徴的な巨大顆粒を認めChediak-Higashi症候群と診断した。汎血球減少症,出血傾向のため4歳9か月で死亡した。
We observed Chediak-Higashi syndrome in afemale infant. At 4 months, she showed silver grayhair and hypopigmented skin. The iris and thefundus appeared albinotic bilaterally. She under-went repeated febrile attacks and upper respiratoryinfections thereafter. Marked hepatosplenomegalywas detected at 9 months. The peripheral bloodshowed abnormal giant cytoplasmic granules inneutrophils and lymphocytes. She manifestedphotophobia, nystagmus, alternating esotropia, lefthypertropia and bilateral mixed astigmatism. Theiris became more pigmented with age. It becameabnormally brown at 2 years of age. The content ofpigment in the fundus showed minimal increasewith age. The macula showed mild degree of hypo-plasia. Electroretinogram showed subnormalresponses. Corrected visual acuity at the finalexamination was 0.5 and 0.1 each. Electron micros-copy of biopsied conjunctiva showed hugeintracytoplasmic bodeis in the macrophages in thestroma. Pancytopenia and hemorrhagic tendencyresulted in death at 4 years 9 months.

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