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(P3-2-3) 59歳男性の上眼瞼結膜に発生した血管拡張性肉芽腫の1例を経験した。右上眼瞼結膜に4×4mm大でドーム状に隆起した赤色調の腫瘤がみられた。表面は凹凸不整で内部に係蹄様の血管がみられ,上眼瞼を反転するたびに表面から出血した。また瞼縁から腫瘤に向かって太い血管が走行していた。全身的に特に異常所見はなかった。悪性腫瘍の可能性を疑って腫瘍摘出術と冷凍凝固術を行った。
A 59-year-old male presented with a reddish tumor in the upper palpebral conjunctiva in his right eye. It was 4×4mm in size with an irregular surface. The tumor had loop vessels and showed tendency for bleeding. He was free of systemic abnormalities. The tumor was excised and cryocoagulated. Histopathological studies showed numerous capillaries in the connective tissue stroma, inflammatory cells, neutrophils and lymphocytes. Malignancy was ruled out. The condition was finally diagnosed as telangiectatic granuloma.

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