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We performed immunohistological studies of pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland in a 33 -year-old male. In the normal lacrimal gland in the vicinity of the tumor, epithelial cells were positive for EMA, CEA and keratin. Myoepithelial cells stained well with actin. In the adenomatous area, large cells with abundant cytoplasm forming a ductal or glandular structure stained with EMA, CEA and keratin. Myoepithelium-like cells and spindle-shaped cells stained with actin and vimentin. Some spindle-shaped cells were positive for S-100 protein antibody. Round cells in hyalin -degenerated and myxoid areas of the tumor stained with vimentin and S-100 protein. GFAP was present in a small number of cells in the myomatous, hyalin-degenerated and myxoid tumor areas. These findings coincided with immunohisto-chemical features of pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary gland, supporting the concept that GFAP would be a tumor-associated antigen.

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