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慶應義塾大学眼科において全層角膜移植と白内障手術を施行した症例を,同時手術を行った群(Combined群)16例17眼と2次的に白内障手術を行った群(Simple群)9例10眼に分け,その予後を比較検討した。術後の透明治癒率,合併症,視力予後には両群に大きな差を認めなかった。移植片の内皮細胞減少率は術後2年でCom-bined群では29.5%,Simple群では53.8%となり,2次的な白内障手術によるcell lossは少なくなく,内皮細胞の面からは同時手術が有利と考えられた。いくつかの問題点はあるものの,白内障を有する角膜疾患眼には全層角膜移植と白内障の同時手術,あるいはこれに眼内レンズ挿入術を含めたtriple procedureを積極的に行ってよいと考えられた。
We reviewed the outcome of penetrating kerato-plasty and cataract surgery in 27 eyes. The two surgeries were performed in a single session in 17 eyes and in 2 different sessions in 10. There were no differences in the visual outcome, incidence of complications and graft survival rate between thetwo groups. The rate of corneal endothelial cell loss was 29.5% after simultaneous surgeries and 53.8% after surgeries in different sessions. The finding seemed to suggest that penetrating keratoplasty followed by cataract extraction is harmful to the corneal endothelium. We advocate penetrating keratoplasty and cataract surgery during a single session whenever feasible.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.