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We evaluated the corneal epithelium after pene-trating keratoplasty in 20 eyes with specular micro-scope at 1 week, 1 month, 3 and 6 months aftersurgery. After corneal re-epithelization was con-firmed by biomicroscopy one week after surgery,we could identify numerous abnormal cells includ-ing spindle-type cells, nucleated cells, large cellsand irregular cell configurations. These cells tendedto decrease with time. In some cases, the abnormalcells persisted for 6 months or longer, so thatnormal epithelial cell pattern was still lacking inthese eyes at 6 months postoperatively. The findingshow that abnormalities in corneal epithelium per-sist longer than expected after penetrating kerato-plasty. Specular microscopic observations wereuseful in identifying subtle pathological changes inthe corneal epithelium.

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