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初期に乳頭浮腫を呈し,原因不明であったため,Leber's idiopathic stellate retinopathy様の経過をたどったが,乳頭浮腫が軽減した後の約半年後の螢光眼底写真では乳頭上の血管の拡張像を認めず,11時,12時,4時に過螢光を認め,乳頭ドルーゼンを疑い超音波検査を施行することにより.埋没型ドルーゼンと診断できた。
A 45-year-old male sought medical advice for left myodesopsia. We detected papilledema, vitreous hemorrhage and retinal hemorrhages around the disc in the left eye. Fluorescein angiography showed massive dye leakage from the disc. Six weeks later, macular star appeared after resolution of papilledema. Visual field studies showed improvement in the enlarged blind spot and persistence of nasal inferior sectorial constriction. Six months later, the left disc showed localized hyperfluorescence on the angiogram. Ultrasonography showed marked high reflectivity in the optic nervehead. These findings led to the diagnosis of buried drusen of the optic disc.

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