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症例は80歳の女性で,左眼視力低下を訴え網膜剥離を指摘されて,京都大学病院眼科を受診した。初診時,視力は右眼0.01(0.04),左眼眼前手動弁(矯正不能)であり,右眼には耳側周辺部,左眼には全周に及ぶ網膜剥離があった。両眼共に赤道部に輪状の幅広い網脈絡膜萎縮をみたが,裂孔は不明であった。76歳頃より両眼の高眼圧症の既往があり,点眼加療を行っていた。右眼は78歳時に網膜剥離を指摘され,光凝固施行後,剥離の範囲は拡大していない。左眼に対しては2回目の光凝固術を施行したが奏功せず,観血的療法のため当科へ紹介された。球結膜を剥離し,強膜を露出すると,赤道部強膜は著しく菲薄化しており,耳側半周は輪状に約10mmの幅で,脈絡膜が透見された。網膜下排液 ジアテルミー凝固による強膜短縮術,保存強膜およびシリコンバンドを用いた輪状締結術を行い,網膜は復位し視力は左眼0.03(0.04)に改善した。
An 80-year-old female presented with equatorial scleral staphyloma and retinal detachment in both eyes. She was under treatment with miotics for mild ocular hypertension bilaterally during the past 4 years. Bilateral retinal detachment had been detected 2 years before. Laser photocoagulation to the right eye resulted in prevention of further enlargement of detachment in the temporal retina. Total retinal detachment was present in the left eye when seen by us. We performed external drainage, scleral shortening with surface diathermy and en-circling with preserved sclera and silicone band. The sclera was extremely thin and the choroid was visible along the temporal two-thirds along the equator. The surgery resulted in reattachment of the retina and improvement in vision. This case was unusual for a Japanese because of bilateral involvement, pronounced equatorial scleral sta-phyloma and associated retinal detachment.

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