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要約 目的:白内障術後の眼内レンズ(IOL)挿入眼で眼精疲労を自覚する症例をしばしば経験する。有水晶体眼では調節安静位の屈折値の変動(調節微動)が大きい眼精疲労に対して,0.05%シクロペントラート塩酸塩点眼が有効であることが報告されている。今回,白内障手術後の眼精疲労に対する0.05%シクロペントラート塩酸塩点眼治療の効果を後ろ向きに検討した。
Abstract Purpose:We encounter cases of ocular fatigue after cataract surgery. It has been reported that application of 0.05% cyclopentolate is effective for phakic patients with asthenopia with accommodative spasms. We evaluated the effect of topical 0.05% cyclopentolate on pseudophakic patients with asthenopia.
Methods:In this retrospective, observational clinical study, patients with asthenopia after cataract surgery, with no known cause other than accommodative spasms were included. There were 6 patients(3 male, 3 female)with 11 eyes. 4 eyes had monofocal intraocular lenses(IOLs), and 7 eyes had multifocal IOLs. The average age was 68.8±5.4. Accommodative spasms were evaluated based on high frequency component(HFC)of micro fluctuations measured using an autorefractometer(Speedy-i, Right MFG. CO., Ltd.). We used a drop of 0.05% cyclopentolate everyday before sleep for the treatment. We evaluated accommodative spasms and subjective symptoms of asthenopia on the first day of treatment and on the evaluation day. Two-tailed Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis.
Results:Patients started their topical treatment 6.8±3.0 months postoperatively and the evaluation day was 1.7±1.2 months after initiating the treatment on average. All patients had elevated HFC values(68.6±5.0)on the day of treatment initiation and had significantly lower HFC values(58.8±2.4, p<0.01)on the evaluation day. Four of six patients, all of whom had multifocal IOLs, experienced relief from subjective symptoms.
Conclusions:Topical treatment with 0.05% cyclopentolate may be effective for asthenopia developing after cataract surgery, especially among patients with multifocal IOLs.

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