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Postoperative refractive error in simultaneous cataract and vitreous surgery Eiji Tomoyori 1 , Kunimi Fujisawa 1 , Hidetoshi Onda 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Showa University School of Medicine pp.1209-1213
Published Date 2023/9/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214915
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Abstract Objective:To investigate refractive error in simultaneous cataract and vitreous surgery and to include various ocular fundus diseases and examine the trend of refractive error by fundus diseases.

Subjects and Methods:Patients who underwent simultaneous cataract and vitreous surgery at Showa University East Hospital from April 2020 to March 2021 and had a corrected visual acuity of 0.5 or more at six months postoperatively were included in this study. The total number of eyes 139, including 55 with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment(RRD)(31 with macular non-detachment and 24 with macular detachment), 47 with epiretinal membrane(ERM), 23 with vitreous hemorrhage(VH), and 14 with macular hole(MH). Refractive errors at 1 month postoperatively were retrospectively examined.

Results:The percentage of cases with a refractive error of less than ±0.5D was 54.6% overall, 50.9% for RRD, 68.0% for ERM, 52.1% for VH, and 35.7% for MH. The mean refractive error was −0.48±0.68D overall, −0.30±0.60 for ERM, −0.61±0.77D for RRD, −0.46±0.61D for VH, and −0.56±0.64D for MH. There were no significant differences in accuracy or mean refractive error between the groups. When divided into diseases with and without fluid air exchange, such as RRD and MH, there were 82 eyes with fluid air exchange and 53 eyes without. The percentage of patients with a refractive error of less than ±0.5D was 48.8% in the group with fluid air exchange and 64.9% in the group without fluid air exchange. The mean refractive error was −0.59±0.72D for the group with fluid air exchange and −0.32±0.60 D for the group without fluid air exchange. There was a significant difference in the mean refractive error.

Conclusions:When examining refractive error of less than ±0.5D and mean refractive error, no significant differences were found in the disease-by-disease comparisons. When examined with and without fluid air exchange, cases with fluid air exchange were significantly more myopic than those without.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


