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要約 目的:悪性黒色腫関連網膜症(MAR)の本邦での報告は稀である。今回,経過中に片眼の陰性b波が両眼の陰性b波に変化した症例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Malignant melanoma-associated retinopathy is rarely reported in Japan. We report a case in which a negative b-wave in one eye changed to a negative b-wave in both eyes during the course of the disease.
Case:A 58-year-old man visited his ophthalmologist at local clinic one week ago with complaints of foggy vision in the right eye, photophobia at night, and a flickering sensation in the right eye. One week later, he was referred to our hospital for a thorough examination of the cause. He had no previous medical history. At the time of initial examination, his corrected visual acuity was 1.0 in both eyes, slit-lamp microscopy revealed no abnormalities, and ophthalmoscopy revealed no abnormalities in the fundus.
Findings:Fluorescence angiography revealed no obvious abnormalities related to symptoms, and dynamic visual field testing showed an enlarged Mariotte blind spot in the right eye. A multifocal electroretinogram showed decreased amplitude in the left eye, but not in the symptomatic right eye. A full-field electroretinogram showed a negative b-wave in the right eye. The left eye was subnormal. Since there were no findings that explained the symptoms, we asked the patient about his medical history. He had a plantar malignant melanoma, in remission, which he had not initially reported. After making inquiries at the other hospital, the patient was found to have pulmonary metastasis of malignant melanoma and was clinically diagnosed with malignant melanoma-related retinopathy. Subsequently, during the course of the disease, a negative b-wave, which was initially present only in the right eye, had also developed in the left eye.
Conclusion:Even when it is impossible to obtain a history of malignant melanoma, it is necessary to identify malignant melanoma-associated retinopathy when a negative b-wave is detected in one eye on electroretinogram.

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