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A case of bilateral intraocular inflammation with macular ischemia after intravitreal injection of faricimab for diabetic macular edema Mao Nakayama 1 , Koji Tanaka 1 , Hajime Onoe 1 , Keisuke Miyata 1 , Mai Kitaoka 1 , Ryusaburo Mori 1 , Hiroyuki Nakashizuka 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Nihon University Hospital pp.1193-1200
Published Date 2024/10/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410215291
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Abstract Purpose:We report a case of intraocular inflammation with macular ischemia in both eyes after intravitreal injection of faricimab for diabetic macular edema.

Case:A 60-year-old woman presented for the evaluation of diabetic retinopathy. Visual acuity was 0.6 in the right eye and 0.8 in the left eye at the time of initial examination. Optical coherence tomography revealed macular edema, and fluorescein fluorescence fundus angiography showed extensive areas of nonperfusion in both eyes. Two months after pan-retinal photocoagulation, the patient underwent intravitreal injection of faricimab in the right eye for macular edema, and 7 days later, the injection was also administered in the left eye. The day after the injection in the left eye, the patient developed foggy vision in both eyes. Visual acuity was 0.08 in the right eye and 0.1 in the left eye. Elevated flare values in the anterior chamber of both eyes, perimacular white lesions in the fundus, and central dark spots on visual field testing were observed. Macular retinal angiography showed a filling and waxing defect, which was thought to be macular ischemia due to intraocular inflammation after vitreous injection of faricimab. Treatment was initiated with topical ocular administration of corticosteroids. Seven months later, the inflammatory findings had improved, but the central dark spot remained.

Conclusion:We experienced a case of intraocular inflammation with macular ischemia in both eyes after vitreous injection of faricimab for diabetic macular edema. Faricimab, like other anti-VEGF agents, may cause intraocular inflammation with retinal vascular occlusion.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


