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Two cases of severe corneal opacity after use of anti-glaucoma eye drops Sayaka Sumazaki 1 , Koji Kakisu 1 , Yukinobu Okajima 1 , Takashi Suzuki 1 , Yuichi Hori 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Toho University Omori Medical Center pp.347-351
Published Date 2023/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214740
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Abstract Purpose:Recently, several cases of corneal opacity possibly associated with the use of brimonidine tartrate(BT)ophthalmic solution have been reported. We report two cases of severe corneal opacity after BT eye drop use.

Case 1:A 73-year-old female patient who was referred to us because of corneal opacity with neovascularization and corneal edema in her left eye. We prescribed steroid eye drops. Although neovascularization and inflammatory response improved, the corneal opacity remained. The cause of corneal opacity was unknown at first, but the medical history revealed that the patient had been using BT eye drops three times a day for several years to improve hyperemia.

Case 2:A 67-year-old female patient who had used BT and bimatoprost eye drops for 4 years. Conjunctival hyperemia and corneal opacity with neovascularization were observed in her right eye. After vascular incineration of the invading vessels, the clouding remained;thus a full corneal transplant and cataract surgery were performed, and her corrected visual acuity recovered to 1.2.

Conclusion:We experienced two cases of severe corneal opacity with a history of BT use;in both cases, the opacity was caused by lipid deposits leaking from blood vessels that had invaded the cornea. When encountering corneal opacity of unknown cause, it is important to check for the history of glaucoma ophthalmic drug use.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


