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要約 目的:スクレラルレンズ(ScCL)は,直径が大きいコンタクトレンズ(CL)であり,角膜ではなく強膜で支持され,角膜全体をドームで覆うようにフィッティングをさせる。海外ではハードCL(HCL)不耐性や重症の円錐角膜眼に広く用いられている。今回,急性水腫の既往があるCL不耐症の円錐角膜眼に対してScCLが有用であった2症例を報告する。
症例と所見:症例1は20歳,男性。9か月前に右眼に急性水腫を発症し,治癒後も角膜混濁が残存した。異物感が強くHCLによる視力矯正が困難であり,ScCL(TimeXL,Menicon B.V.)を処方したところ,視力は(0.3)から(1.0)へ向上し,実用視力測定による視力維持率(VMR)も0.94と良好であった。症例2は45歳,男性。8年前に右眼円錐角膜眼に急性水腫を発症し,治癒後も角膜混濁が残存した。装用中のHCLに異物感があり,水泳をしているときには装用が困難であった。同様にScCL(TimeXL)を処方したところ,視力は(0.04)から(0.5)へ向上し,実用視力測定によるVMRも0.95と良好で,HCLと変わらないものであった。2症例とも毎日10時間以上のCL装用が可能となった。
Abstract Background:Scleral lenses(ScCLs)are a group of rigid gas permeable lenses with large diameters. ScCLs completely cover the cornea and rest on the sclera. ScCLs may be indicated for primary and secondary corneal ectasias, post-corneal transplants, and corneal scars. Here we report to successful cases of fitting ScCLs in patients with intolerance for hard contact lenses(HCL)after acute corneal hydrops.
Case 1:A 20-year-old man who developed acute corneal hydrops in the right eye 9 months earlier, with corneal opacity enduring after healing. He had difficulty adapting to HCLs due to heightened foreign body sensation. We prescribed ScCLs(TimeXL, Menicon B.V.), which improved his visual acuity from(0.3)to(1.0), and visual maintenance ratio(VMR)was 0.94 using functional visual acuity.
Case 2:A 45-year-old man who developed acute corneal hydrops in his right conical eye 8 years ago, and left corneal opacity after healing He also difficulty correcting his vision with HCLs due to heightened foreign body sensation. We prescribed ScCLs(TimeXL), which improved his visual acuity from(0.04)to(0.5), and VMR was 0.95 using functional visual acuity. Both patients are able to wear for more than 10 hours daily.
Conclusion:We experienced two cases of CL intolerance after acute corneal hydrops in keratoconus eyes. TimeXL ScCL was improved visual acuity and sustained use were achieved. Penetrating keratoplasty is the treatment of choice for vision loss due to corneal opacity after acute corneal hydrops, but ScCL may be useful as an option to avoid the transplant procedure.
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