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要約 目的:慢性期Stevens-Johnson症候群(SJS)の視力低下およびドライアイに対してスクレラルレンズ(ScCL)装用が有用であった1例を報告する。
症例:30歳台,女性。幼少時にSJSの既往があり,ドライアイで近医にて加療されていたが,右眼の眼痛および視力低下を認めたため,当院へ紹介となった。初診時視力は右0.08(0.3×−3.00D()cyl−4.50D 180°),左0.08p(1.2×−5.00D()cyl−0.50D 180°)であった。両眼の結膜充血,右眼に角膜染色スコアA3D3の点状表層角膜症(SPK)を認めた。角膜への血管および結膜の侵入や瞼球癒着は認めず,SJSにおけるSotozonoらの分類による眼障害のスコアは右9/39点,左6/39点と比較的軽度であった。視力改善およびドライアイ症状の軽減のために,右眼に対してScCL(timeXL)を処方したところ,角膜上皮障害が改善し,レンズ上での右眼視力が(1.2)と向上した。またレンズ装用前後での角膜高次収差は,垂直コマ収差が0.10μmから0μm,水平コマ収差が−0.10μmから−0.10μm,球面様収差が0.20μmから0μm,全高次収差が0.47μmから0.10μmへと改善を認めた。
Abstract Purpose:We report a case of chronic Stevens-Johnson syndrome(SJS)with vision loss and dry eye, which improved by the prescription of scleral lens.
Case:The patient was a 30-year-old. female. She had a history of SJS, had dry eyes, and had been undergoing treatment at a nearby ophthalmologist. She was referred to our hospital for detailed examination and treatment because of worsening visual acuity in the right eye. Visual acuity at the first visit was 0.08(0.3×−3.00D()cyl−4.50D 180°)for the right eye and 0.08p(1.2×−5.00D()cyl−0.50D 180°)for the left eye. Both eyes were stained with conjunctival hyperemia, and the right eye was stained with corneal hyperemia A3D3 superficial punctate keratopathy(SPK). No blood vessel or conjunctival invasion into the cornea or symblepharon adhesion was observed, and the score of eye damage according to Sotozono et al. 's classification in SJS was relatively mild, 9/39 points for the right eye and 6/39 points for the left eye. Prescribing a scleral lens(TimeXL)for the right eye to improve vision and reduce dry eye symptoms improved corneal epithelial damage and improved right eye vision on the lens(1.2)improved subsequently. The high-order aberrations of the corneum before and after wearing the lens are 0.10 μm to 0 μm for vertical coma, −0.10 μm to−0.10 μm for horizontal coma, 0.20 μm to 0 μm for spherical-like aberration, and 0.47 μm to 0.10 μm for total high-order aberration. Improvement was observed.
Conclusions:Prescribing scleral lenses for chronic SJS with relatively mild ocular findings improved subjective and objective findings.
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