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要約 目的:多焦点眼内レンズ(IOL)の明視域評価として,主に全距離視力検査が用いられているが,視力検査だけでは評価困難な患者満足度に関連する視覚の質の評価方法としてコントラスト感度検査がある。従来,コントラスト感度検査の検査距離は一定であり,複数の距離における感度測定が困難であった。今回筆者らは,複数距離でコントラスト感度測定が可能なaccu-pad®(ジャパンフォーカス社)を用いて,単焦点IOL挿入眼と多焦点IOL挿入眼における距離別のコントラスト感度を比較検討した。
対象と方法:対象は,多焦点IOL(LENTIS® Comfort)を両眼に挿入した15例(男性7例,女性8例,平均年齢73.3±3.8歳)と単焦点IOL(VivinexTM iSert® 11例,AvanseeTM Preset 3例,AcrySof® IQ 1例)を両眼に挿入した15例(男性9例,女性6例,平均年齢77.0±4.9歳)である。accu-pad®を用いて,検査距離5mと1mにおける5つの空間周波数〔1.5cycles/degree(cpd),3cpd,6cpd,12cpd,18cpd〕について,コントラスト感度を測定した。
Abstract Purpose:Full distance visual acuity test is mainly used to evaluate clear vision of a multifocal intraocular lens(IOL). However, contrast sensitivity is used to evaluate visual quality related to patient satisfaction, which is difficult to evaluate by visual acuity test alone. Conventionally, the inspection distance of the contrast sensitivity test is constant, and it is difficult to measure the contrast sensitivity from far to near distances. In the present study, we compared the contrast sensitivity of single-focus IOL and multifocal IOL by distance using accu-pad®(Japan Focus Co, Ltd.), which can measure contrast sensitivity from far to near distances.
Subjects and methods:The subjects were 15 cases(7 males, 8 females, average age 73.3±3.8 years)with multifocal IOL(LENTIS® Comfort)inserted in both eyes, and 15 cases(9 males, 6 females, average age 77.0±4.9 years)with single focus IOL(VivinexTM iSert® 11 cases, AvanseeTM Preset 3 cases, AcrySof® IQ 1 cases)inserted in both eyes. Contrast sensitivity was measured using accu-pad® for 5 spatial frequencies(1.5 cycles/degree(cpd), 3 cpd, 6 cpd, 12 cpd, 18 cpd)at inspection distances of 5 m and 1 m.
Result:Contrast sensitivity at an examination distance of 5 m was not significantly different at all spatial frequencies between the multifocal IOL and single focus IOL groups. The contrast sensitivity at an inspection distance of 1 m was significantly higher in the multifocal IOL group in the medium to high spatial frequency region(12 cpd, 18 cpd)(p<0.01).
Conclusion:It was suggested that the contrast sensitivity test from far to near distances is useful for evaluating the visual function of multifocal IOL.

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