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要約 目的:網膜血管増殖性腫瘍(RVPT)にはさまざまな治療法があるが,硝子体手術で直接腫瘍を摘出生検した症例は少ない。今回,硝子体手術を行い,腫瘍を摘出し,病態を安定させ,病理診断もできた症例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Although there are various treatments for retinal vasoproliferative tumor(VPT), the cases of resection and biopsies of tumor by vitrectomy are few. We report a case in which a retinal VPT was resected and diagnosed pathologically by vitrectomy.
Case:A 23-year-old female patient aware of the visual field defect of her left eye was examined at the ophthalmology clinic and was referred to our clinic.
Findings and clinical course:The left corrected visual acuity was 0.7. The anterior chamber and lens were clear. A reddish-brown mass that was 6×4 papillary size was located in the upper-nasal side of the fundus. Retinal detachment and hard exudates other than those in the macula were observed. A diagnosis of VPT was made. Sub-Tenon's triamcinolone acetonide injection and intravitreal bevacizumab were ineffective in treating the tumor. Because the exudative change had expanded to the macula, phacoemulsification with aspiration, injection of the intraocular lens(IOL)in sulcus, and vitrectomy were performed 9 months after the diagnosis. Most of the tumor was resected with cryopexy, photocoagulation, and injection of the silicone oil. Pathological findings showed hyperplasia of vessels lined on the vascular endothelium, and some granulation-like tissue. Exudative change gradually diminished after the surgery, and the silicone oil was removed in 15 months. Secondary glaucoma was observed, thus scleral fixation of IOL and interno trabeculotomy was performed in 22 months. Finally, the left corrected visual acuity was 0.2 and intraocular pressure was 9 mmHg. The condition of the patient is now stable.
Conclusions:Vitrectomy with resection of tumor is effective in controlling VPT and can be used for pathological diagnosis.
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