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要約 目的:金属が体内に留置されている患者にはMRIは禁忌であり,その画像の報告は稀有である。今回,MRI撮影を契機に眼内鉄片異物が発見され,眼内炎に対して硝子体手術を行った症例を経験したので報告する。
所見:左眼は視力(0.8),前房と水晶体は清明,虹彩は上鼻側が一部萎縮,眼底は軽度硝子体混濁と周辺部を圧迫して観察することで12時方向の鋸状縁付近に金属片を認めた。自覚症状,他覚的所見が乏しいため経過観察としたが,受傷2か月半後に眼内炎を発症したため,硝子体手術と水晶体乳化吸引術(眼内レンズは挿入せず)を施行した。硝子体の培養からはCutibacterium acnesが検出された。抗菌薬の点滴,点眼加療などを行い眼内炎は治癒した。受傷6か月後に眼内レンズを挿入し,左視力(1.2)となった。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of intraocular iron foreign body found by magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). MRI is prohibited in a patient who has metal in the body, and the reports of its images are rare.
Case:A 40-year-old man felt pain of the left eye hitting a concrete wall with a chisel. The next day, he underwent a medical examination at the ophthalmology clinic. However, the left eye has no abnormal findings. After 2 months, he noted photophobia on the left eye and presented with mydriasis. The neurologist found intraocular iron foreign body on the left eye by MRI and CT and referred the patient to our clinic.
Findings and clinical course:Left visual acuity was 0.8. The anterior chamber and lens were clear. The iris had a part of atrophy. A slightly vitreous opacity and intraocular iron foreign body were found near the ora serrata on the upper side. We selected an observasion because the subjective symptom and the objective symptom were mild. Endophthalmitis occured two and a half months after the accident. Phacoemulsification with aspiration(without injection of intraocular lens)and vitrectomy were performed on the left eye. Cutibacterium acnes was detected in the culture from the vitreous body. Endophthalmitis was treated by eye drops and intravenous drip of antibiotics. Injection of intraocular lens was performed after 6 months of the accident. Finally, visual acuity recovered to 1.2.
Conclusions:MRI should not be perform in a patient who cannot be denied with intraocular iron foreign body. However, we unexpectedlly obtained the characteristic MRI images.
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