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A case of CHARGE syndrome complicated with retinal detachment treated by vitrectomy Satoshi Takeshima 1 , Yoshinari Saima 1 , Takayuki Nishijima 1 , Mito Shingen 1 , Mina Watanabe 1 , Yoshiaki Tanaka 1 , Hiroko Takano 1 , Toshikatsu Kaburaki 1 , Akihiro Kakehashi 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University, Saitama Medical Center pp.803-809
Published Date 2021/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410214021
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Abstract Purpose:CHARGE syndrome is a congenital morphological abnormality with the main symptoms of Coloboma, Heart disease, Atresia of choanae, Retarded growth and development, Genital abnormalities, and Ear anomalies. We experienced a case of CHARGE syndrome with retinal detachment in coloboma treated by vitrectomy.

Case:The case was a 41-year-old man. From childhood, he had amblyopia due to coloboma and congenital cataract. He was aware of a sudden decrease of vision in the left eye and consulted an ophthalmologist. He was referred to our hospital because of retinal detachment in the left eye.

Findings:Best corrected visual acuity was 0.02 in the right eye and 0.03 in the left eye, whereas intraocular pressure was 26 and 14 mmHg, respectively. Iris coloboma and large choroidal coloboma, including the macula and optic disc were observed in both eyes. Retinal detachment other than at the site of coloboma was observed in the left eye. CHARGE syndrome was suspected from the iris and choroidal coloboma, hearing loss, mental retardation, facial nerve paralysis, and male genital malformations. On the same day, phacoemulsification, intraocular lens insertion, pars plana vitrectomy, retinal photocoagulations, and silicone oil tamponade was performed for the left eye, and the retina was reattached. Intraoperative findings revealed a retinal tear outside the coloboma, which might have been the causative tear for retinal detachment. When the silicone oil was removed 6 months later, retinal detachment did not recur. Best corrected visual acuity at the final observation was 0.15 in the left eye.

Conclusion:In this case of retinal detachment secondary to choroidal coloboma with CHARGE syndrome, vitrectomy and silicone oil tamponade was effective.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


