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要約 目的:マイクロフックを用いた線維柱帯切開術(μLOT)の短期術後成績と合併症についての検討。
結果:手術前の平均眼圧(mmHg)は18.5±7.0であり,術後1,3,6か月ではそれぞれ11.5±3.9,10.7±3.3,11.2±4.4と術後有意に低下した(p<0.0001,Dunnett's test)。点眼スコアは,術前4.1±1.4であり,術後1,3,6か月ではそれぞれ3.4±1.3,3.3±1.2,3.2±1.0で,術前と比較して有意に低下した(p<0.05,Dunn's multiple comparison test)。術後合併症は,予防的アセタゾラミド投与下に術後1週間以内に眼圧が30mmHg以上となるような一過性高眼圧が7眼(7.9%)で認められた。また,2眼で前房出血の遷延により手術加療を要した。うち1眼は前房洗浄後に高眼圧をきたし濾過手術を要し,他方の1眼では,前房出血が硝子体腔に及び硝子体出血となり,早期の視力改善のために硝子体手術を施行した。
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the short-term postoperative results and complications of microhook trabeculotomy(μLOT)surgery.
Subjects and Method:This retrospective study included 89 eyes of 76 patients who had undergone μLOT as the first glaucoma surgery from January to December 2019, and had been followed-up for more than 3 months. The mean age at the time of μLOT was 68.5±12.0 years. The types of glaucoma included primary open-angle glaucoma(32 eyes), primary angle-closure glaucoma(16 eyes), exfoliative glaucoma(17 eyes), and other secondary glaucoma(24 eyes). Of these, 61 eyes underwent μLOT with simultaneous cataract surgery. The preoperative and postoperative intraocular pressure(IOP), medication score, and complications were evaluated.
Results:The IOP(mean±standard deviation)significantly decreased from 18.5±7.0 mmHg at baseline to 11.5±3.9, 10.7±3.3, and 11.2±4.4 mmHg at the 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-ups, respectively(p<0.0001, Dunnett's test). The medication score significantly decreased from 4.1±1.4 at baseline to 3.4±1.3, 3.3±1.2, and 3.2±1.0 at the 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-ups, respectively(p<0.05, Dunn's multiple comparison test). Postoperative complications included transient ocular hypertension(>30 mmHg)within 1 week after surgery(7 eyes, 7.9%), and prolonged hyphema(2 eyes, 2.2%). One eye with hyphema required trabeculectomy because of ocular hypertension after irrigation of the anterior chamber. The other hyphema required pars plana vitrectomy to improve visual acuity owing to the spread of anterior chamber bleeding to the vitreous cavity.
Conclusion:μLOT surgery significantly reduced postoperative IOP and medication scores. The incidence of severe postoperative complications was low.

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