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要約 目的:可逆性白質脳症(PRES)により同名半盲を呈し,血糖コントロールにより改善を認めた1例の報告。
所見:前眼部,中間透光体,眼底に異常を認めなかった。血液検査にて血糖258mg/dl,HbA1c 11.1%と未治療の糖尿病が認められた。頭部MRI拡散強調画像で,右後頭葉皮質から皮質下を中心に淡い拡散異常を認め,T2強調画像およびFLAIR画像で同部位に高信号を呈した。脳病変に一致して左同名半盲を認め,画像所見と合わせて可逆性白質脳症と診断された。脳神経外科に入院し,抗血小板薬および抗痙攣薬の投与と,血糖コントールが開始された。治療により徐々に視野異常は改善し,治療から16日後の視野検査で同名半盲の消失が確認された。8月にはMRI所見も正常化した。
Abstract Purpose:We report a patient with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome(PRES)who showed homonymous hemianopsia that was recovered by controlling blood glucose levels.
Case:A 36-year-old man was referred to our hospital due to a 2-week history of scintillating scotoma that was followed by sudden visual field defects. He also complained of headache and nausea.
Result:A blood test revealed untreated diabetes mellitus. Diffusion-weighted images(DWI)of MRI showed a high-intensity lesion in the right occipital lobe. T2-weighted images and fluid attenuated inversion recovery(FLAIR)images showed high-intensity lesions. A visual field test revealed left hemianopsia that was consistent with the right occipital lesions on MRI. He was diagnosed with PRES. After hospitalization in the department of neurosurgery, he was treated with anticoagulant antiepileptic medications, and with control of hyperglycemia. His visual field defects were improved and the abnormalities on MRI disappeared.
Conclusion:Increased vascular permeability and the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier are involved in the mechanism of onset of PRES, and usage of carcinostatic agents and uncontrolled hypertension are reported to cause PRES. Because reduction of blood glucose levels improved visual field defects and recovered abnormalities on MRI in this case, hyperglycemia may also cause PRES. This syndrome is reversible by proper medication, but early diagnosis is necessary based on the visual symptoms and MRI findings.
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