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要約 目的:Kahook Dual Blade®(KDB)を用いた線維柱帯切開術の術後成績と合併症の報告。
結果:平均年齢71.1±12.7歳。病型の内訳は,原発開放隅角緑内障13眼,原発閉塞隅角緑内障9眼,落屑緑内障14眼,その他の続発緑内障10眼であった。白内障同時手術は40眼であった。手術前の平均眼圧(mmHg)および点眼スコアは21.5±8.2および4.6±1.5であり,術後1,3,6か月ではそれぞれ10.8±3.3および3.7±1.2,10.8±3.1および3.7±1.2,11.0±3.3および3.6±1.3となり,術後有意に低下した(p<0.05,Dunn's test)。術後合併症は,一過性高眼圧が12眼(26.1%)でみられ,遷延性前房出血により前房洗浄を要した症例が1眼,術後に濾過手術を要した症例が1眼あった。
Abstract Purpose:To report the outcome of trabeculotomy using Kahook Dual Blade®(KDB).
Cases and Method:This study was made on 46 eyes of 39 patients who received KDB trabeculotomy during 24 months through March 2019. They were followed up for 3 months or longer. The series comprised 13 eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma, 9 eyes with primary angle-closure glaucoma, 14 eyes with exfoliation glaucoma, and 10 eyes with secondary glaucoma. The age averaged 71.1±12.7 years. Simultaneous cataract surgery was performed in 40 eyes. Intraocular pressure(IOP)averaged 21.5±8.2 mmHg. Antiglaucoma medication score(AGMS)averaged 4.6±1.5.
Results:IOP was significantly reduced to 10.8±3.3 mmHg at 1 month, 10.8±3.1 mmHg at 3 months, and 11.0±3.3 mmHg 6 months after surgery. AGMS was significantly reduced to 3.7±1.2, 3.7±1.2, and 3.6±1.3 respectively Transient high IOP appeared in 12 eyes(26.1%). Prolonged hyphema appeared in one eye.
Conclusion:KDB trabeculotomy reduced IOP and AGMS in various types of glaucoma. There was no serious complication.

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