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要約 目的:サイトメガロウイルス網膜炎(CMVR)は通常,後天性免疫不全症候群(AIDS)や免疫抑制療法中の免疫低下状態の患者に発症する。CMVRの晩期合併症のうち網膜剝離は重篤な視機能障害の原因となる。今回,横浜市立大学附属病院において診断されたCMVR 20例の臨床像を検討した。
結果:発症時平均年齢は60.2±10.1歳,男女比は13:7。PCRにより14例(70%)にCMVゲノムが検出された。HIV/AIDS 3例(15%)のほか,悪性リンパ腫,関節リウマチ,白血病などに対する免疫抑制療法中の患者に発症した。眼合併症として裂孔原性網膜剝離7例8眼(29.6%),硝子体出血4例4眼(14.8%),網膜裂孔2例2眼と白内障の進行2例2眼(いずれも7.4%)がみられた。治療として,15例に抗ウイルス薬の全身投与,4例に抗ウイルス薬の硝子体注射,7例8眼に硝子体手術,2例2眼に網膜光凝固術を行った。27眼中9眼(33.3%)が最終視力0.1未満であり,網膜剝離合併症例で視力予後が悪かった。
Abstract Purpose:Cytomegalovirus retinitis(CMVR)usually develops in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)or immunocompromised patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. One of the late complications of CMVR, retinal detachment, causes severe visual impairment. In this study, we analyzed the clinical features of 20 cases of CMVR diagnosed at Yokohama City University Hospital.
Methods:Twenty-seven eyes of 20 patients diagnosed with CMVR between 2009 and 2018 were retrospectively investigated. Information about each patient's background, underlying disease, ocular complications, treatment, and visual prognosis were collected from the medical records.
Results:The mean age at onset was 60.2±10.5 years;the male to female ratio was 13:7. Polymerase chain reaction of the aqueous humor detected CMV genome in 14 patients(70%). The disease occurred in patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy for malignant lymphoma, rheumatoid arthritis, and leukemia, as well as 3 cases with HIV/AIDS(15%). Among ocular complications, 8 eyes with rhegmatogenous retinal detachments(29.6%), 4 eyes with vitreous hemorrhages(14.8%), 2 eyes with retinal tears(7.4%), and 2 eyes with cataract progression(7.4%)were observed. As for treatments, systemic administration of antiviral drug, vitreous injection of antiviral drug, pars plana vitrectomy, and retinal photocoagulation were performed for 15, 4, 7, and 2 patients, respectively. Nine of 27 eyes(33.3%)had final visual acuity of less than 0.1, and patients with retinal detachment had a poor prognosis.
Conclusion:In order to prevent retinal detachment after CMVR, it is important to carry out regular fundus examinations in addition to appropriate treatment for retinal inflammation.

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