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要約 目的:複数回のステロイドパルス療法により,消炎しないか,ステロイドの内服漸減中に再燃するステロイド依存性のVogt-小柳-原田病(原田病)に,シクロスポリンの併用が奏効した4症例の報告。
Abstract Purpose:To report 4 cases of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada(VKH)disease who showed resistance or recurrence of the disease and who were brought under control by combined treatment of systemic cyclosporine and corticosteroid.
Cases:The series comprised 3 males and one female. They were aged 43, 49, 57 and 73 years respectively. All the cases were initially treated by pulsed corticosteroid therapy. One case resolved after 3 courses of pulsed corticosteroid. One case failed to resolve. Two cases showed signs of recurrence. All the 4 cases resolved after additional cyclosporine. One of the 4 cases showed recurrence after tapering of cyclospsorine due to renal problems. Ocular findings were brought under control by increased dosage of corticosteroid.
Conclusion:Ocular manifestations in 4 cases of VKH disease, that showed resistance to or dependence on corticosteroid, resolved after combined use of cyclosporine and corticosteroid.

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