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要約 目的:原発性硝子体網膜リンパ腫(PVRL)は,多彩な所見を呈し,その診断の困難さから眼内炎症として加療されることも多く,仮面症候群と呼ばれている。今回,病初期に白点症候群様の所見を呈し,診断に苦慮したPVRLの症例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma(PVRL)is often referred to as a masquerade syndrome and is treated as an intraocular inflammatory disease, because it presents with a variety of findings and is difficult to diagnose. We herein report a case of PVRL with white dot syndromes-like findings in the early stages of the disease, which was challenging to diagnose.
Case:A 50-year-old woman presented with a chief complaint of difficulty in seeing from her left eye. She was treated with betamethasone eye drops for 6 months, but the intraocular inflammation and white dots did not improve. She received sub-Tenon's triamcinolone acetonide injection in the left eye following which oral prednisolone was initiated. However, retinal exudates appeared, and the vitreous opacity rapidly worsened. Besides PVRL, we considered the possibility of infectious uveitis caused by fungi and initiated treatment with fluconazole drops. Visual acuity in the left eye decreased, and vitreous biopsy was performed for suspected PVRL. Interleukin(IL)-10/IL-6>1 in the vitreous fluid and rearranged IgH gene were observed. Based on these findings and in the absence of extraocular lesions on systemic examination, PVRL was diagnosed. Methotrexate was systemically and intravitreally administered. Visual acuity in the left eye did not improve, and the right eye remained intact. No central nervous system dissemination has been observed to date.
Conclusion:PVRL should be considered among the differential diagnosis, because PVRL may present with findings similar to those of uveitis and white dot syndromes.

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