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Epidemiological survey of uveitis in children and adolescents at Yokohama City University Hospital(2011-2014) Marina Asami 1 , Mami Ishihara 1 , Etsuko Shibuya 1 , Yukiko Hasumi 1 , Ikuko Kimura 1 , Shigeru Kawano 1 , Yasutsugu Ida 1 , Masaki Takeuchi 1 , Takahiro Yamane 1 , Nobuhisa Mizuki 1 1Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Yokohama City University Graduate School pp.1105-1110
Published Date 2018/8/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410212784
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Abstract Purpose:To present an epidemiological survey of uveitis in children and adolescents at Yokohama City University Hospital.

Cases and Method:This retrospective study included patients under the age of 19 years who visited to our hospital and were diagnosed with uveitis between April 2011 and March 2015. In total, we studied 63 cases for determining the clinical features and causes of the disease.

Results:The mean age of the patients at the first visit was 13.1±4.7 years(under 15 years;60.3%). There was a predominance of females(65.1%), and bilateral(65.1%)and non-granulomatous uveitis(65.1%). Anterior uveitis was observed in 50.8% patients and panuveitis in 42.9% patients. Systemic associations were found in 27.0% patients. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis(JIA)was the most common medical condition(12.7%), followed by chronic iridocyclitis in young girls(CIC)(7.9%)and tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome(6.3%). Unclassified cases were seen in 50.8% patients. Ocular complications were observed in 46.0% patients, including macular edema/degeneration(23.8%), optic disc hyperemia/edema(22.2%), cataract(20.6%), increased intraocular pressure/glaucoma(19.0%)and band keratopathy(11.1%). Systemic treatments were required in 36.5% of cases. 9.5% of cases underwent intraocular surgery, all of which were cataract extraction.

Conclusion:Females, bilateral and anterior uveitis were prevalent in children and adolescents. Juvenile chronic iridocyclitis(JIA and CIC)were frequent.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


