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要約 目的:硝子体手術既往眼あるいは硝子体手術と同時に,経毛様体扁平部挿入型Baerveldt緑内障インプラント挿入チューブシャント手術(BGI手術)を行った症例の長期術後成績を評価した。
結果:術前,術後1および2年の平均眼圧は,それぞれ39.1±13.1,14.6±5.5,14.3±5.1mmHgと術前に比較し有意に低下した。術前,術後1および2年後の点眼・内服スコアは,それぞれ4.3±1.4,1.7±1.4,1.9±1.5であり,有意に減少した。術後の合併症は,脈絡膜剝離10眼(18%),硝子体出血14眼(25%),高眼圧14眼(25%),低眼圧3眼(5%),虹彩後癒着4眼(7%),前房出血3眼(5%),角膜上皮障害1眼(2%),チューブ関連合併症(Hoffman elbow露出5眼:9%,チューブ露出2眼:4%)で,これに伴って眼内炎を2眼(4%)で認めた。
Abstract Purpose:To report a long-term outcome in glaucoma patients who underwent Baerveldt glaucoma implant(BGI, pars plana model)surgery.
Subjects and Method:This study included 57 eyes of 51 cases which were observed more than 2 years after BGI surgery. There were 49 eyes with neovascular glaucoma, 4 with secondary glaucoma, 3 with primary open-angle glaucoma and 1 with primary angle-closure glaucoma. All patients had a history of vitrectomy or underwent vitrectomy simultaneously. The pre- and post-operative intraocular pressure(IOP), medication score and complications were evaluated.
Results:The mean IOPs reduced from 39.1±13.1 preoperatively to 14.6±5.5 and 14.3±5.1 mmHg at 1 and 2 years post-operatively. Medication scores decreased from 4.3±1.4 pre-operatively to 1.7±1.4 and 1.9±1.5 at 1 and 2 years post-operatively. Postoperative complications included choroidal detachment in 10 eyes(18%), vitreous hemorrhage in 14(25%), high IOP in 14(25%), low IOP in 3(5%), posterior synehiae in 4(7%), hyphema in 3(5%), corneal epithelial damage in 1(2%), tube-related complications(Hoffman elbow exposure in 5:9%, tube exposure in 2:4%), and endophthalmitis associated with BGI exposure in 2(4%).
Conclusion:Favorable IOP control was achieved by BGI surgery for a long period. Attention is needed to serious complications such as endophthalmitis associated with tube exposure.
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