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要約 目的:翼状片術後に近視化し眼内レンズ(IOL)交換が必要になった症例の報告。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case who needed exchange of intraocular lens for myopia after pterygium surgery.
Case:A 73-year-old female had received surgery for pterygium in her left eye 10 years before. She had received cataract surgery in both eyes 8 years before at another clinic. She visited us, 2 years before, requesting surgery for pterygium in her right eye. Accordingly, she received excision of pterygium with conjunctival transplantation in the nasal and temporal sectors by us. Pterygium in her right eye had healed but the right eye showed progression of myopia from −9 diopters before surgery to −13 diopters 3 months after surgery. The right eye received exchange of IOL, resulting in practical emmetropia one month later.
Conclusion:This case illustrates that excision of pterygium may result in progression of myopia. Extensive involvement of the cornea by pterygium appears to have been the cause of this phenomenon.
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