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要約 目的:角膜ケロイドは,緩徐に増大する角膜中央部に生じる良性の結節性病変であり,過去に100症例ほどの報告がある。今回,急激に増大する角膜ケロイドの1症例を経験し,病理学的な検討を行った。
所見:病理学的に,肥厚した角膜上皮,線維血管組織の増殖,局所的な血管外へのフィブリン析出を認めた。免疫組織化学的に線維芽細胞はα-smooth muscle actin陽性,vimentin陽性であり,活性の高さを示していた。
Abstract Purpose:Corneal keloid is a rare disorder presenting slowly-growing nodular lesion at the central part of the cornea. We present a case with a rapidly-growing corneal keloid and conducted pathological examinations to reveal the mechanism of the disease.
Case:A 10-year-old male was referred to us due to corneal opacity and decrease vision in the right eye. Slightly-elevated nodular lesion with vascularization was observed at the central part of the cornea of the right eye. Subepithelial corneal opacity with pannus was also present in the left eye. Before making a final diagnosis, the patient ceased to visit our hospital. Eight years later, the patient was referred to us because the volume of the corneal lesion rapidly increased. We performed lamellar corneal excision for cosmetic purpose and for making diagnosis. Histologically, fibrovascular proliferation with localized precipitation of extravascular fibrin was observed. Immunohistochemically, fibroblasts were positive for vimentin and α-smooth muscle actin, suggesting that the fibroblasts were activated.
Conclusion:Corneal keloid is a cause of rapidly-growing corneal lesions. Increased permeability of vessels as well as fibrovascular proliferation were involved in the rapid growth of the corneal keloid.

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