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要約 目的:学校保健安全法施行規則により,幼稚園と保育園において視力検査が義務づけられている。宮城県眼科医会は,4年前より幼稚園教諭と保育士に対して視力検査実技研修会を実施しているので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Vision test in kindergartens and nursery schools is required by the School Health and Safety Law in Japan. We report the outcome of workshops on vision test in the past 4 years for kindergarten and nursery school teachers.
Cases and Method:Targeted cases were kindergarten and nursery school teachers in Miyagi prefecture. We conducted the workshops followed by a questionnaire-based survey.
Results:The workshop received favorable reviews. There was also the opinion that vision test should be annually conducted by ophthalmologists or orthoptists, avoiding the involvement of schools. Vision test by kindergartens or nursery schools is currently conducted in less than 10% of institutions in Miyagi prefecture.
Conclusion:Kindergarten and nursery school teachers ought to be trained to actively conduct vision tests.
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